Octavius Winslow again to the reminder

I find myself again and again refreshed when I meditate upon the preaching of those whom God has so mightily gifted. Yes, it takes time to get past the language of another century; but when I take the time and "gaze on the beauty of the Lord," I am by God's grace rewarded with another reminder of the all-comprehensive start-to-finish work of God in the life of a poor sinner like me. And I rejoice. Consider these words from Dr. Winslow and take a little time to meditate on the pictures from the scriptures he brings forth to remind us of what we "Christians" are and the immensity of what Jesus has done:
“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished; and he bowed his head, and gave up the spirit.” John 19:30
A jar of sour wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put it on a hyssop branch, and held it up to his lips. When Jesus had tasted it, he said, “It is finished!” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:29-30
Believer in Jesus! remember, all your confidence, all your hope, all your comfort flows from the finished work of your Savior. See that you unwittingly add nothing to the perfection of this work. You may be betrayed into this sin and this folly by looking within yourself, rather than to the person of Jesus; by attaching an importance too great to repentance and faith, and your own doings and strivings, rather than ceasing from your own works altogether, and resting for your peace, and joy, and hope; simply, entirely, and exclusively in the work of Jesus. Remember, that whatever we unintentionally add to the finished work of Christ mars the perfection and obscures the beauty of that work. “If you lift up your tool upon it, you have polluted it.”
We have nothing to do, but in our moral pollution and nakedness to plunge beneath the fountain, and wrap ourselves within the robe of that Savior’s blood and righteousness, who, when He expired on the tree, so completed our redemption, as to leave us nothing to do but to believe and be saved.
“It is finished!” Oh words pregnant of the deepest meaning! Oh words rich in the richest consolation! Salvation is finished! Look away from your fluctuating frames, and fitful feelings, and changing clouds, to “Jesus only.” Look away from sins and guilt, from emptiness and poverty, to “Jesus only.” “It is finished!” Let devils hear it, and tremble! Let sinners hear it, and believe! Let saints hear it, and rejoice! All is finished!
“Then, Lord, I flee to You, just as I am! I have stayed away from You too long, and am ‘yet instead of getting better, I grew worse.’ Too exclusively have I looked at my unworthiness, too absorbed have I been with my impoverishment, too bitterly have I mourned having nothing to pay. Upon Your own finished work I now cast myself. Save, Lord, and I shall be saved!”
Before this stupendous truth, let all creature merit sink, let all human glory pale, let all man’s boasting vanish, and let Jesus be all in all. Perish, forms and ceremonies; perish, rites and rituals; perish, creeds and churches; perish, utterly and forever perish, whatever would be a substitute for the finished work of Jesus, whatever would tend to neutralize the finished work of Jesus, whatever would obscure with a cloud, or dim with a vapor; the beauty, the luster, and the glory of the finished work of Jesus!
It was “Jesus only” in the councils of eternity; it was “Jesus only” in the everlasting covenant of grace; it was “Jesus only” in the manger of Bethlehem; it was “Jesus only” in the garden of Gethsemane; it was “Jesus only” upon the cross of Calvary; it was “Jesus only” in the tomb of Joseph; it was “Jesus only” who, “when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.” And it shall be “Jesus only”; the joy of our hearts, the object of our glory, the theme of our song, the Beloved of our adoration, our service, and our praise, through the endless ages of eternity. Oh, stand fast, in life and in death, by the finished work of Jesus.
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