Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Pa'cel o' Pitchers

Ah, Friday dawns, a day of much finishing. Behold the Martha Stewart idea pots with tape removed:

The dipped wax candles, also a 5th and 6th grade craft:

Last post had Shayna and Flo working on the greenhouses. Here they are, and some have already started to sprout.

Third and Fourth graders play a Bible memory game in the Coop.

Morning games for 3-6 included Water Balloon Eggtoss:

Look at this stupendous NEAR catch:

Then, there was the leaky bucket relay:

Tidal Wave has always been one of my favorites. You run up to the "well," fill up your bucket, run back to the next person in your line and yell "Tidal Wave," whereupon you throw your water in the face of the person next in line. First team done and sitting down wins:

But here is masterful strategy. Be sure to double click on this (or any other photo) to see more details. In frame one note the alert and ready stance. In frame two we see the perfectly placed Tidal wave in action. In frame three, see Gregg already on the rebound, and in frame four, already on his way to the well for his run. WELL PLAYED!

And then, the joy of total sponge annihilation:

Most kids were pretty pleased with their crafts AND with those of other groups (here is Josiah with the cowbell windchime while someone else is holding chicken noise maker).

See Jack wear the hat. Stylin', stylin' Jack:

The whole group with their homemade farmer hats.

Ketie and Tia matched up in the leaky bucket relay for their group.

Plenty of water to go around, Fruit E. Pie.

Here's how you play Wet Sponge. First "it" takes a wet sponge from the "well" and walks up to a person of their choice. They say, "Wet Sponge."

Then the person says, "take a plunge," whereafter the it says, "Who's the grunge." Here's where it gets fun. The person whispers the name of the person upon whom they'd like the "it" to drain their sponge. Shayna thinks something looks suspicious below:

Alexander may be enjoying his turn a little too much:

Peaches always manages to be in the middle of the fun:

And, there are those intimate counselor to counselor moments . . .

One last time to sing through the songs:

And now, for those who chose to memorize, not only the verses for everyone, but a challenge set, there was the Pie-ing (of the counselor of your choice). Good sport Lilly Bob is first:

Grace chooses TC:

And Young Dick Monald (say that out loud 3 or 4 times and you'll get it) chooses Eb.

A great sister/brother moment.

Ah, but this example of mother/sons fun was best. Fruit E. Pie, like Alexander above, does seem to be having quite a good time . . .


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