Oh, the Thursday of it all! In my endless quest for pickle purity, I had ordered and received the "Speedy Rocket Sled" from the Acme Corporation. Here is Sven putting it together (you can see the box it came in, in the foreground.
Sadly the pictures are fuzzy (reminiscent of the UFO pictures of my youth), yet if you look very closely (maybe crossing your eyes might help) you can see me fly by in my hat with a little bit of my hair showing:
Yet, this model of Speedy Rocket Sled sadly was unequipped with brakes. The crash was painful, though Sven and Hydroboy carried me off to Lowell General. Since I couldn't tell the Bible story this morning, Heathcliffe and Gertrude (after a stern talking to from Puddles) had to tell about the follower of Jesus named Peter and how Jesus forgave him and gave him a job, caring for Christians.
And they did a fine job, after some of the kids encouraged them on. About how after Jesus was killed, his followers had been fishing all night without success when a strange man from the shore (Peter figured out pretty quickly that it was Jesus) told them where to put down their nets. And they caught a load so heavy they couldn't put it in the boat:
And then, as Peter had learned to turn to Jesus for his strength, Jesus called him to serve Him in a new way:
In my absence, Puddles sent everyone on to crafts including finishing the towels from the first day:
AND making plaster of paris copies of our feet! 
Finishing the stained glass bottles:
The snacks reminded us of Peter's time with Jesus on the beach, a net of rainbowed color goldfish, and vanilla pudding beaches with gummi fish: 
Games just reminded us of water as we shot balloons up into the air for balloon volleyball (Can you spot the balloon in each of these pictures? Don't miss the expressions on the kids' faces!).
But pickleanimous danger was never far away! What could this photo possibly mean? I must speak to Puddles right away!
The hospital allowed me to come back to teach one song at the end, but, oh, it was painful. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
Thanks for posting here. I wish I was around.
I take it you've been in a pickle or too?
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